CARTERVILLE — 32 bowling teams paid a visit to SI Bowl Saturday for the Carterville Invitational. 18 boys teams and 14 g
irls teams battled for the titles.
Salem led at the midway point of the boys side, but Harrisburg and Herrin dominated the afternoon with the Tigers taking the team title by 216 pins.
Salem also carried the lead into the afternoon session on the girls side, but the Wildcats could not hold it.
A different set of Wildcats, these of the A-J variety, dominated the final three games. A-J outscored Salem by 303 pins in the final session, to win by 289.
Vandalia swept the individual titles. Kobi Stokes won the boys side, Aurora Richardson the girls.
The boys bowling postseason starts next week. The girls postseason is still a few weeks away.