WMIX Sports Rams of the Week: RoboRams: FIRST Robotics Team 4187 – February 3, 2023

Congratulations to this week’s WMIX Sports/Josh Finley Country Financial Rams of the Week! MVTHS Robotics Team 41870A won the VEX Robotics Tournament on Saturday, January 28, 2023, at Millikin University in Decatur.

Their entry, “Da Baby” took the championship AND scored more points in the Programming Skills Challenge than all of the other 20 teams COMBINED!

From the MVTHS Facebook Page, “This is a challenge, additional to the tournament, where a team’s bot earns points performing, on its own, as many scoring tasks as possible within 1 minute. They also had the highest score in the Driving Skills Challenge, which is the other additional challenge where students control their bot directly to perform those same tasks.
On top of all that, the competition judges awarded the 3 their most prestigious award of the event, The Excellence Award! This award goes only to the team demonstrating extraordinary levels of excellence in teamwork, team organization, robot design, design documentation, design implementation, problem solving, fabrication, inter-colleague communication, presentation, and professionalism.

“With this accomplishment, they now move on to compete at the State level on March 11th, also to be held at Millikin.
These 3 students worked tirelessly, as well as smartly, to achieve this rare level of success and deserve many accolades!”

Pictured (L to R): Gabe Luttinen, Cassie White, Weston Riggan, followed by Championship Alliance Teammates from Bloom Township High School in Chicago Heights.

Way to go, RoboRams!!!