MVT Week 23–David Jordan

This week’s Orthopaedic Center of Southern Illinois Most Valuable Teacher (MVT) is Mr. David Jordan, the social studies teacher at Century High School.

Christopher Hutchinson had this to say about Mr. Jordan in his nomination: “Mr. Jordan always strives to better his students by challenging them to not only learn the material required, but to develop an understanding of the importance of it. He uses the strategy of not just getting his students to remember important historical events for an individual test, but strives to show the students how these events have changed everyday life in general.

Mr. Jordan has also stepped up to coach the Century Jr. High School baseball team these past few years. He understands the importance of teaching the game of baseball to the student body, as it not only gives physical activity but it also helps the students realize the importance of teamwork and togetherness on and off the field.”

Mr. Jordan is currently on paternity leave. We will catch up with him to present his plaque and visit his class when he returns.