WMIX Sports Rams of the Week: MVTHS HOSA – March 10, 2023


Congratulations to this week’s WMIX Sports/Josh Finley Country Financial Rams of the Week–HOSA! The MVTHS Chapter of HOSA – Future Health Professionals, formerly known as Health Occupations Students of America, attended the Illinois HOSA Spring Leadership Event in Springfield on Weds., March 1, and Thurs., March 2, 2023. MVTHS came back with some HARDWARE! A very special congratulations to BreAnna Reynolds who is the STATE CHAMPION in Medical Photography and is also the Illinois HOSA Southern Area VP! Erica Zirklebach and Matilyn Phillipi were also STATE CHAMPIONS in Health Career Display Board!

Other significant honors from the event include:
Extemporaneous Writing:
Katie Bach, 8th Place

Prepared Speaking:
Amelia Lamont, 10th Place

Veterinary Science:
Matilyn Phillipi, 7th Place

Health Career Display Board:
Finley Clugston & Peyton Julius, 4th Place
Jude Erasmus & BreAnna Reynolds, 8th Place

Way to represent, MVTHS HOSA! Congratulations for this week’s Ram of the Week Honors!